Resources for freshwater surveys

Are you looking for information or resources on conducting water quality testing or freshwater species surveys? We carry out a range of scientific surveys and offer freshwater habitat survey methods to suit people with different interests and levels of experience.

Habitat assessment

Over more than three decades, we’ve developed groundbreaking survey methods to assess habitat quality. Now, you can use these methods to measure water quality and gather ecological data.

Young woman standing in a pond wearing boots and examining a plant.
National Pond Survey method

The recommended method for detailed professional assessment of a site.

National Pond Survey method
Large pond with vegetation.
Predictive System for Multimetrics (PSYM)

Assess the ecological quality of a pond or small lake

Two women sitting in front of a pond, looking at a clipboard.
Priority Pond Assessment Survey (PASS)

Identify a potential priority pond.

Identify a priority pond

Learn more about the criteria to identify a waterbody as a priority pond.

Identify a priority pond
Man standing in a pond, inspecting contents of a net.
Pond habitat survey

Use our materials to collect environmental data from ponds between June and September.

Pond Habitat Survey
Boy holding two test tubes of liquid each of a different colour.
Clean Water for Wildlife

Advice and resources on water quality testing.

Clean water testing

Species surveys

Download materials to survey amphibians and freshwater plants and invertebrates.

Common Frog underwater, side on.
Amphibian surveys

Download surveys to monitor Common Toad, Common Frog and newt populations.

Amphibian surveys
Slender Pond Snail
Freshwater invertebrate surveys

Our surveys can help you monitor freshwater invertebrates.

Freshwater invertebrate surveys
Freshwater plant surveys

Use our resources to survey freshwater and wetland plants.

Freshwater plant surveys

Citizen science surveys

Get involved in our citizen science surveys and help us learn more about freshwater wildlife.

Strings of Common Toad spawn under water.
PondNet Spawn Survey

Help us map amphibian breeding activity across the UK. The PondNet Spawn Survey runs from December to May.

PondNet Spawn Survey
Garden pond with plants in the foreground and sheds behind.
Do the Big Pond Dip

Find out how good your garden pond is for wildlife.

Big Pond Dip
Woman kneeling next to a waterbody, wearing blue disposable gloves, pointing an eDNA testing kit at the water.
About environmental DNA (eDNA)

Discover how we’re using this cutting-edge technique to monitor freshwater biodiversity.

About eDNA