Priority ponds
The small waterbodies with the biggest value
We’re working with our partners to map priority ponds – small waterbodies which have a high conservation value.
Freshwater Habitats Trust played an instrumental role in securing priority habitat status for ponds in 2007. Now we’re working with Natural England to identify and record more of the country’s best ponds. Identifying priority ponds (now a habitat of principal importance) helps agencies, organisations and individuals to protect and enhance ponds and the critical freshwater wildlife they support.
Get involved
Help us map the country’s priority ponds to provide more protection for these important wildlife habitats.
View priority ponds map Identify a priority pond PASS surveyMore information about priority ponds
Help us map priority ponds
Help us identify and record priority ponds and learn more about these important waterbodies.
Identify a priority pond
Use our seven criteria to identify a waterbody as a priority pond.
Conduct a Priority Pond Assessment Survey (PASS)
Use our form to identify a potential priority pond.
Join the Urban Pond Count
Help us estimate the number of ponds in England, so we can help protect them and the species they support.