People, Ponds and Water Champions!
17th March 2018
As our People, Ponds and Water project draws to a close, there a few people we’d like to mention…
There’s a reason why ‘people’ is the first word in the People, Ponds and Water project name – our ethos all along has been that the best way to protect freshwater habitats is to increase people’s enjoyment, knowledge and experience of them.
To this end, People, Ponds and Water has harnessed the power of more than 15,000 volunteers to gather data on the health of freshwater habitats in England and Wales. Together, the People, Ponds and Water team have collected over 16,200 records from more than 10,000 sites. And we’ve worked with more than 600 statutory and non-statutory organisations and community groups, and undertaken practical management on 72 of the best pond sites in the UK. To everyone involved, we’d like to say a great big THANK YOU!
There are a few people in particular we’d like to acknowledge… the Freshwater Champions!
We feel these champions have gone above and beyond what we could ask of anyone. Here are a few of them:
Amanda Barber
Amanda is a volunteer in the Greater Manchester and Cheshire area. She has carried out Mud Snail surveys, Great Crested Newt and eDNA surveys on various PondNet sites, and found mud snail on Sound Common Flagship Pond site with her partner Simon Stickland. Always willing to help out with sites that other volunteers have been unable to help with, Amanda, you are a champion!
Chloe Rice
Chloe has volunteered her time in both Lancashire and Oxfordshire. Chloe has helped out at her local Flagship Pond site – North Blackpool Pond Trail. And when we looked to survey all known Tubular Water-dropwort sites to assess how the species is doing nationally, Chloe stepped up to survey sites all over the north of England and the midlands! Chloe gathered extra data too, and has used it in her undergraduate dissertation. Phenomenal work, Chloe!
Judy Webb
Judy’s contribution to the care and management of Cothill Fen Flagship Pond site is invaluable. Cothill Fen is a very special alkaline fen, of international importance. Judy’s knowledge and expertise of Greater Water-parsnip has also been a great help on Pinkhill Meadow Flagship Pond site, where we have introduced the striking plant in an attempt to secure its future in Oxfordshire. Thank you, so much, Judy!
Malcolm Watling
Malcolm has been carrying out dragonfly surveys for PondNet. That’s great in itself, but when the survey pond is at the top of a mountain, and the walk up there and back takes several hours, it takes special dedication. Again, and again. You are a champion, Malcom!