Blunt-leaved Pondweed

Potamogeton obtusifolius

Blunt-leaved Pondweed


Blunt-leaved Pondweed is a monocot with submerged, grass-like leaves that end in a blunt or rounded tip, characteristic that gives this species its name. Blunt-leaved Pondweed is similar to other species in the Potamogeton genus, and microscopic examination may be required to distinguish between them. Moreover, Blunt-leaved Pondweed can hybridise with other pond weed species, forming plants with intermediate characteristics. Blunt-leaved Pondweed flowers from June to September. Potamogetons species provide excellent habitat for invertebrates and fish, and their seeds and tubers are eaten by wildfowl. 


Blunt-leaved Pondweed is found in mesotrophic or meso-eutrophic, acidic or neutral standing waters in lakes and ponds, and also in canals and rivers. 

Distribution and threats

Blunt-leaved Pondweed has declined throughout much of its British. In the county, it has been found at Hinksey, Witney , south of Standlake, Newbridge and Elsfield. The decline of this species is the result of the pollution, turbidity and nutrient enrichment of its habitat, along with the disturbance mainly caused by the increase in boat traffic.