As an organisation that’s grounded in science, we regularly write research papers and produce reports. Here you can find some of the more important scientific papers and reports we’ve written and published over the years.

Our scientific research

Below are scientific research papers and articles, which include a Freshwater Habitats Trust author. Our research papers and articles are arranged in order of citation, with most cited at the top.

Research papers and scientific articles

15 years of pond assessment in Britain The original Pond Action team, Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems, 2005
Comparative biodiversity of aquatic habitats in the European agricultural landscape B. Davies et al, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2008
Conservation and monitoring of pond biodiversity: introduction B. Oertli et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2005
New approaches to the management of ponds Biggs, J., A. Corfield, D. Walker, M. Whitfield, and P. Williams, British Wildlife 5:273-287, 1994
Indicator taxa for the conservation of pond invertebrate diversity A. Briers et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2003
New policy directions for global pond conservation M.Hill et al, Conservation Letters, 2017
Spatial patterns in pond invertebrate communities: separating environmental and distance effects A. Briers et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2005
Small Water Bodies in Great Britain and Ireland W. Riley et al, Science of the Total Environment, 2018
History, origins and importance of temporary ponds P. Williams et al, Freshwater Forum, Vol 17, 2001
Restoration of the rivers Brede, Cole and Skerne J. Biggs et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 1998
Making agricultural landscapes more sustainable for freshwater biodiversity: a case study from southern England B. Davies et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2009
Biological traits of European pond macroinvertebrates R. Céréghino et al, Hydrobiologia, 2012
Designing new ponds for wildlife P. Williams et al, British Wildlife 8:137-15,1997
Identifying optimum locations for new ponds B. Davies et al, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2003
Macroinvertebrates in the catchment streams of Lake Naivasha, Kenya P.C. Barnard et al, Revue d'Hydrobiologie Tropicale, 1988
Pond conservation in Europe B. Oertli et al, Developments in Hydrobiology, 2010
Local contributions to beta diversity in urban pond networks M. Hill et al, Diversity and Distributions, 2021
The ecology and management of urban pondscapes C. Hassall et al, Urban Landscape Ecology, 2016
Water P. Morris et al, Methods of environmental impact assessment, 2001
Preface: The importance of small water bodies M. Kelly-Quinn et al, Hydrobiologia, 2017
Lakes and Ponds T. Bailey-Watts et al, The Hydrology of the UK, 1999
Pond conservation in Europe: the European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN) N. Indermuehle et al, Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Verhandlungen, 2008
Preface: Small water bodies in the landscape M. Kelly-Quinn et al, Hydrobiologia, 2023
Finding Newts–Using Environmental DNA to Detect Great Crested Newts J. Biggs, Genetic Techniques and Technologies, 2018
Environmental correlates of aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity in garden ponds: Implications for pond management in Insect Conservation and Diversity M. Hill, P. Wood, J. White, I. Thornhill, W. Fairchild, P. Williams, P. Nicolet, J. Biggs, Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2023

Copyright issues prevent us from publishing the full text of many of our published papers. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.

Our reports - monitoring and policy

Below are monitoring and policy reports, arranged by topic. Freshwater Habitats Trust was formerly called Pond Action and Pond Conservation. Within each section, reports are arranged in chronological order, with most recent at the top.

We aim to include all our reports here, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.

Biodiversity monitoring reports

Tuckmill Meadows SSSI botanical and vegetation survey report D. Morris, Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2023
Nash Fen vegetation and botanical survey report D. Morris, Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2022
Spring Covert pond survey Martin Hammond Ecology, 2017
Survey of ponds at Oldhouse Yard Covert Martin Hammond Ecology, 2016
Management Plan for Naphill Common Friends of Naphill Common, 2014
Evaluation of a revised version of Canal PSYM based on edge only invertebrate sample Report to the Environment Agency (Midlands Region), Pond Conservation, 2001
Lowland Pond Survey 1996 Pond Action, June 1998
Restoration Project - Detailed flood plain vegetation monitoring A report for Pond Action by T. C. G. Rich, 1995
Coleshill River Restoration Project Botanica l Survey A report for Pond Action by T. C. G. Rich, 1994
A survey of Stanford Quarry and the Frogmore Brook Report for Oxfordshire County Council, Pond Action, 1994
The Oxfordshire Pond Survey Volume 2 A Report to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-UK), Pond Action, 1994
The Oxfordshire Pond Survey Volume 1 A Report to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-UK), Pond Action, 1994
A survey of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Buckingham Stream, Norfolk Report to Alconbury Environmental Consultants, Pond Action, 1991
A survey of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Berry Brook Report to the Colson-Stone Partnership, Pond Action, 1991
Pinkhill Meadow wetland enhancement project, Farmoor, phase 2 – 1991-92 Recommendations given for the Pinkhill Meadow Wetland enhancement scheme: phase 2, February 1992
Monitoring the Pinkhill Meadow wetlands: Autumn 1990-Winter 1991 Progress report for the National Rivers Authority (Thames Region), Pond Action, 1991
Monitoring the Pinkhill Meadow wetlands: Summer 1990-Spring 1991 Progress report for the National Rivers Authority (Thames Region), Pond Action, 1991
A survey of the aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Port Greenwich Gas Board ditch Report to Alconbury Environmental Consultants, Pond Action, 1990
A ecological survey of the Upper Lake at Crystal Palace Report to the Hamlet Partnership, Pond Action, 1989
A ecological survey of Uxbridge College pond Report to Herpetofauna International, Pond Action, 1989
An ecological survey of Brerley Close Pond, Uxbridge Report to Herpetofauna International, Pond Action, 1989
An ecological survey of the pond at Saunderton Pumping Station A report to Thames Water, Pond Action, 1988

Important Areas for Ponds reports

The Important Areas for Ponds (IAP) concept was proposed and developed by Freshwater Habitats Trust to raise awareness of geographic regions that support ponds of national or international biodiversity importance. The project was successfully piloted in Wales (Nicolet et al. 2007) prior to ponds being added to the UK list of BAP Priority Habitats in 2007, and IAPs have now been completed for South-east England and Northern Ireland.

Conceptually, IAPs are similar to initiatives developed by other organisations:

  • Birdlife International’s Important Bird Areas (IBAs).
  • Plantlife International’s Important Plant Areas (IPAs) and Important Stonewort Areas (ISAs).

The aim of IAPs is to identify networks of the most important ponds and their biodiversity. These areas can then be used to help focus strategies for pond monitoring, protection and appropriate management and creation.

Some of our biodiversity monitoring reports (eg eDNA for Great Crested Newt) are listed separately below.

National Pond Survey reports

Below are reports produced for the National Pond Survey, which we launched in 1989, with support from WWF, when we were called Pond Conservation. Covering 200 ponds in semi-natural habitats, it was the first survey of its kind in the world.

Policy reports

These are reports produced for policymakers.

The Charter for Small Waters Wildlife and Countryside Link, 2024
Incorporating small freshwater habitats into your local Local Nature Recovery Strategy J. Biggs, N. Ewald, P. Williams, P. Nicolet, P. Case, A. Harcourt, S. Hoyle, S. Tasker, 2024
Defining and Mapping Pond Irreplaceable Habitat P. Williams, W. Watson, G. King-Salter, M. Hammond, 2022
Report of the Workshop on the Protection and Management of Small Water Bodies European Environmental Bureau, European Commission, Lithuanian Presidency and Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2013
Countryside Survey Ponds Report, 2007
Ponds, pools and lochans Guidance on good practice in the management and creation of small waterbodies in Scotland, SEPA and Pond Action, 2000
Proceedings of the Ponds Conference 1998 Pond Action & The Ponds Conservation Trust

Some reports in other sections (eg Water Friendly Farming) are also related to policy.

PSYM method reports

These are reports from our work to develop the PSYM (Predictive SYstem for Multimetrics) method to provide a means of assessing the quality of waterbodies in England and Wales.

Species surveys

These reports relate to surveys focusing on individual species. Our Newt Conservation Partnership monitoring reports and eDNA reports for Great Crested Newt are listed below, under ‘Our reports – projects’.

Our reports - projects

Below are reports, which are outputs of Freshwater Habitats Trust projects – past and present.

We aim to include all our reports here, but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.

BFER LPS Citizen Science: Testing the Water 2020-present

Testing the Water is part of The Brecks’ Fen Edge & Rivers Landscape Partnership Scheme (BFER LPS), is a Landscape Heritage Scheme for the Norfolk and Suffolk Brecks. It builds on the legacy of the Breaking New Ground Landscape Partnership Scheme (2013-17) to continue to develop and refocus engagement, public awareness and positive action on the heritage of The Brecks’ fen edge, river and wetland landscapes in this unique part of East Anglia.

Building Oxfordshire's Freshwater Network 2022-2023

Clean Water for Wildlife

Clean Water for Wildlife was a Heritage Lottery funded citizen science survey that aimed to raise awareness of the true extent of nutrient pollution. It helped us identify clean water habitats in England and Wales, where wildlife can thrive and to reveal the extent of nutrient pollution impacting freshwater life today.

New Forest Catchment Partnership projects

As co-hosts of the New Forest Catchment Partnership, we run many different projects in the Forest.

Newt Conservation Partnership 2018-present

The Newt Conservation Partnership is a community benefit society formed through partnership between charities, Freshwater Habitats Trust and Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Our sole purpose is to create and restore high quality habitat for Great Crested Newt. We are funded via the NatureSpace Partnership District Licensing Scheme.

Each year, we carry out monitoring reports on the ponds that have been created through the scheme.

Oxfordshire Fens Project and Saving Oxford's Wetland Wildlife

People Ponds and Water 2015-2018

The People, Ponds and Water project was a national partnership working with volunteers across England and Wales to monitor, manage and protect freshwater wildlife. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

PondNet reports are included in this section.

A Vegetative Key to Wetland Plants John Poland and Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2019
Prosiect Pobl, Pyllau a Dwr Adroddiad Cryno Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2018
Pond habitat survey method booklet Freshwater Habitats Trust, 2017

PONDERFUL - Horizon 2020 - 2020-2024

Freshwater Habitats Trust was part of the international consortium running the Horizon 2020 project PONDERFUL. This innovative project developed improved methods for maximising the use of ponds and pondscapes in climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation and the delivery of ecosystem services. Outputs included a technical handbook on restoring, managing and creating ponds as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation, a guidance document for policymakers and a series of information posters about ponds and pondscapes.

Ponds and Pondscapes A technical guide to the use of ponds and pondscapes as nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Using ponds and pondscapes as nature-based solutions Guidance for policy makers on the use of ponds and pondscapes as nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and adaptation
What is a pondscape? PONDERFUL information poster
Ponds and pondscapes for biodiversity PONDERFUL information poster
CLIMA-ponds PONDERFUL information poster

PondNet eDNA surveys for Great Crested Newt

Each year since 2015, we’ve used pioneering Environmental DNA (eDNA) techniques to monitor Great Crested Newts and other aquatic animals in key locations across England.

This is the first national Great Crested Newt eDNA monitoring scheme.

River Irfon catchment project

We have been working in the Irfon catchment since 2018, building on work that began in mid-Wales in the mid 2000s as part of the People, Ponds and Water project supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. Through our Welsh Government funded Irfon Catchment Resilient Freshwater Habitats project, we worked with local landowners and communities to monitor water quality and carry out species monitoring.