Workshop: freshwater biodiversity & catchment management
13th March 2017
Free – Freshwater biodiversity & catchment management workshop in Birmingham
MONDAY 3 JULY 10am-3pm
LOCATION – Birmingham – Aston University Student Union, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ES
LUNCH – will be provided
Are you keen to know which freshwater plants and animals live in your catchment and how you might be able to help them thrive? Are you aware of the rare invertebrates that might be lurking in a waterbody near you, or which ponds in your catchment support amphibians?
This workshop will present new guidance notes for CaBA groups and others on where to get biological data and what to do with it. New information on conservation objectives and measures will be made available which cover all freshwaters in catchments: rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, ditches and wetlands including bogs and fens. Case studies on two pilot catchments will show how this work can support landscape-scale prioritisation to benefit biodiversity through practical creation and management work.
Space is limited so to book your place please email your contact details to Jo Fever asap