Pond Creation Toolkit
Creating countryside ponds for wildlife
The Pond Creation Toolkit includes factsheets to freely download.
If you are a landowner or manager and want to create ponds, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve used our years of experience and research to bring you evidence-based advice on creating ponds that make a real difference for freshwater wildlife.
Support our work
Our policy as an organisation is to make all the information we produce open access, without restriction. That’s why these resources are completely free for everyone to download and use. As a charity, we rely on donations to create resources that are accessible to everyone, so please support our work.
Donate Buy The Pond Book Corporate SupportersSome of the Pond Creation Toolkit resources are also available in Welsh.
Core factsheets
Factsheets one to eight provide the best practice principles of clean water pond creation, such as location, design, project planning and implementation.
Habitats factsheets
Advice factsheets
Dealing with issues such as birdstrike, planning permission, and ponds in public access areas.
Species Dossiers
Technical information on creating ponds specifically for over 40 pond-associated BAP species, based on their ecological requirements.