Wilder, wetter, cleaner, connected

Life in freshwaters is under severe threat. Globally, these habitats and the species they support are among the most vulnerable parts of the natural world and there is clear evidence of the need for new measures to protect freshwater biodiversity. That’s why we’re building the Freshwater Network.

What is the Freshwater Network?

The Freshwater Network is a national network of wilder, wetter, cleaner, more connected habitats to stop and reverse the decline in freshwater biodiversity.

The network will be built around the existing hotspots for freshwater biodiversity. It will also include newly created and restored habitats to link freshwater habitats together.

To build the Freshwater Network, we’ve developed a practical delivery approach to freshwater conservation and recovery. Developed by Freshwater Habitats Trust and partners, the Freshwater Network unites important new ideas from research with traditional conservation concepts to build a better future for freshwater biodiversity.

Freshwaters are far more than just large rivers and lakes. Small freshwaters dominate – both in extent and biodiversity value. Different habitat types, and the interactions between them, are critical for freshwater wildlife. The Freshwater Network includes the full range of all aquatic and ‘wet terrestrial’ habitats.

To build the Freshwater Network, we’ve identified key places to focus our efforts. And it all starts with Important Freshwater Landscapes.

New Forest wetland on a wintery day with blue sky

Important Freshwater Landscapes

To protect freshwaters, we have to protect – and build out from – the best. We’ve identified 24 Important Freshwater Landscapes in England and Wales to be a focus for the Freshwater Network and a priority for action.

Important Freshwater Landscapes are regions that are nationally critical for freshwater biodiversity.

They’re rich in threatened freshwater plants and animals and have concentrations of Water Framework Directive ‘High status’ biological communities. With our partners, we’ll prioritise work in these nationally important landscapes – because we can’t afford to lose what makes them special.

Important Freshwater Landscapes
Aerial view of the River Thet and surrounding ponds in the Brecks

Our targets for the Freshwater Network

We’ve set ambitious targets for the Freshwater Network, which will help us focus our efforts over the next 50 years.


increase in the number of clean water ponds


increase in floodplain habitats in near natural condition


increase in High status freshwater habitats


of freshwater Species of Conservation Concern have increasing populations


increase in the number of clean water ponds


increase in floodplain habitats in near natural condition


increase in High status freshwater habitats


of freshwater Species of Conservation Concern have increasing populations

Important Freshwater Areas

From upland river landscapes to lush lowland pondscapes, we need to restore and better manage these biodiversity hotspots where rare and threatened plant and animal species are still hanging on.

Important Freshwater Areas are the sites identified at regional, county or catchment level as freshwater biodiversity hotspots. They include:

  • Individual stretches of headwater streams with ‘High’ status Water Framework Directive invertebrate assemblages
  • Small fens designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs)
  • Ponds with Critically Endangered species, expanses of blanket bog or large floodplain nature reserves
  • Lakes and rivers designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) or SSSIs
  • Extensive areas of blanket bog or floodplain wet grassland.
Important Freshwater Areas
Pond with plants growing out of it under a blue, cloudy sky

Wetland Opportunity Areas

Covering 25% of England and Wales, Wetland Opportunity Areas are places where we can make landscapes water friendly and restore freshwater biodiversity to drained and polluted towns and countryside.  

Wetland Opportunity Areas are the gaps between the Important Freshwater Areas where we can build out and connect. Here, we can generate clean water to improve freshwater biodiversity and regenerate key habitats. We’ll create and restore clean water ponds, small lakes and wetland habitats including fens. Cleaning up the land can also make clean streams and rivers. 

Wetland Opportunity Areas
Two men standing by a waterbody, one pointing to something in the distance

- David Morris (Freshwater Habitats Trust) and Richard Watson (National Trust) at a newly-created floodplain wetland mosaic habitat at Coleshill on the Oxfordshire-Wiltshire border.

Historic Floodplains

Restoring Historic Floodplains could be the biggest conservation change in England and Wales of the next 50 years. Our vision for floodplains will be revolutionary for freshwater biodiversity and will provide multiple benefits for people. 

Historic Floodplain is the area defined by the 1:100 flood zone and occupies about 11% of the land area of England and Wales. Most floodplain is severely damaged by centuries of drainage and pollution. But – with a total area of around 1.4 million hectares, excluding urban areas, restoration of floodplains alone could largely meet Environment Act targets for nature-friendly habitat restoration.

Historic Floodplains
Aerial view of field with several ponds.

Our vision for the Freshwater Network

1 Protect the best

We’ll strengthen and build out from existing freshwater biodiversity hotspots. The Freshwater Network takes a ‘protect first, repair second’ approach to ensure we don’t lose what we have. 

2 Use smaller waters and wetlands as ecological engineers

About 80% of the freshwater environment is made up of smaller waters. They’re critical for biodiversity but have traditionally been overlooked. The Freshwater Network focuses on small waters and wetlands because of their amazing power to regenerate freshwater landscapes rapidly and cost-effectively. 

3 Treat freshwaters as a network of interconnected and interdependent habitats

Around two-thirds of freshwater species use a range of different waterbody types. Managing multiple waterbodies as freshwater landscapes is essential for effective conservation. 

4 Bring back clean water

Clean water is vital for freshwater biodiversity but is now a very scarce habitat. Restoring it to the landscape is a critical step for freshwater protection 

Building the Freshwater Network

Discover our work to build the Freshwater Network. Find out how we’re working with partners to create, restore and protect high quality freshwater habitats for wildlife.

The Oxfordshire-Buckinghamshire Freshwater Network

We’re restoring historic floodplains and protecting Important Freshwater Areas in these two counties.

Oxfordshire-Buckinghamshire Freshwater Network
New Forest wetland on a wintery day with blue sky
New Forest Catchment Partnership

The New Forest’s pristine freshwaters, wetlands and coastal habitats are part of an Important Freshwater Landscape.

New Forest Catchment Partnership
Aerial view of digger next to large area of bare ground to create a pond.
Newt Conservation Partnership

Through the Newt Conservation Partnership, we’re creating high quality freshwater wildlife habitats in Wetland Opportunity Areas.

Newt Conservation Partnership

Join us to create a better future for freshwater life

The Freshwater Network will bring together a network of partners. These range from close collaborators, working on joint projects with Freshwater Habitats Trust, to those who simply embed the principals and approaches of the Freshwater Network in their work.

Working together, we’ll apply the latest understanding of how freshwater ecosystems work as networks of habitats, ensuring the Freshwater Network is evidence-based and strategic. We’ll introduce new approaches when we know they’ll make a real difference. And we’ll also test new models of funding and organisation, so we can deliver for freshwater biodiversity.  

Contact us to find out how you can help us make the freshwater landscapes of England and Wales wilder, wetter, cleaner and connected.  


How you can help

You can support us to build the Freshwater Network and make a difference for wildlife.

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PondNet training event