It’s sink or swim time for England’s wetlands

10th October 2014

The Environment Agency is currently asking the public to comment on crucial plans to determine how our waters will be managed for the next six years. You can get involved by adding your voice to Blueprint for Water’s Save Our Waters campaign.

Our rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, estuaries and beaches are important to the lives of both people and wildlife. Not only are they used for pleasure (walking, canoeing, fishing), but they’re also essential for drinking water, sanitation and flood management. 

Currently, less than 25% of our waters are classed as healthy. There are many causes including pollution, habitat destruction, and too much water being drawn out for homes and businesses. This has a serious impact on our  countryside and has contributed to the decline of very many species, not just the familiar water vole, salmon and European eel.

By working together, we have the potential to drastically improve this situation and the health of our waters so future generations can enjoy them. Blueprint for Water’s Saver Our Water campaign is asking everyone to tell the Environment Agency what you love about your local pond, river, estuary, stream or lake. Visit and add your voice to the campaign. It can take as little as five minutes.

Show your support by tweeting a picture of your favourite waterway to #SaveOurWaters.

The consultation will be open for six months.